Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Exercising To Control Anxiety and Depression: How To Get Started

You already know that you feel better after you exercise, and you know there's ample evidence demonstrating that exercise helps your mental health.  But how do you get started?

Most common mistake people make is starting out too hard.

Guidelines for getting started
NTY: How Exercise Makes You Less Anxious

How to get started:

Start with an easy walk 20 minutes 3x week.  Set your timer for 10 minutes. Goal is to walk 10 minutes out, and 10 minutes back for a total of 20 minutes.

A particularly effective technique to to incorporate the breathwalk technique. Basically this involves mentally repeating a mantra and tapping your fingers to the rhythm of your steps. For more detailed information, check out the breathwalk website.

Recommend breathwalk technique.
Also recommend ChiWalk technique with a metronome.

Gradually increase to goal of walking vigorously for 30 minutes 6x/week.

Find that metronome is helpful for keeping pace.

For strength training I recommend circuit training with kettlebells

breaks the boredom of regular weight lifting routines. Doesn't require a lot of equipment.

Kettlebell circuits. Good place to get started at Mike Mahler's aggressive strenght training website

Sample circuit:

KB front squat 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
KB swings 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
KB  R/L overhead press 30 seconds

15-20 minutes 3x/week.

By combining a light cardio program with a circuit training program, you'll get the hormonal benefits of both cardio and strength training.